
时间:2024-04-26 审核人:张前 编辑人:阮琦

晏克勤,女,1974年出生,四川金堂人。工学博士,教授,硕士生导师,德国Ruhr UniversityBochum访问学者,伦敦大学学院(UCL)访问学者,荣誉副研究员。湖北理工学院“土木工程”校重点学科学术带头人,武汉岩土工程学会会员,湖北省力学学会理事。先后参与了“国家基金委面上项目及科技部国家重点实验室资助项目(No.50608060,51278386,50908077)SLDRCE08-A-03)”等10余项国家级科研项目,负责完成省科技厅科研项目一项(2013CFC103)。发表学术论文篇,其中SCI检索10(以第一作者发表JCR一区论文两篇)。在一系列研究活动中积累了对土木工程多场耦合理论、模型试验、数值分析等方面的研究心得与认识,具备了较强的科学研究能力、团队协作能力。



[1] 湖北省科技厅自然科学基金面上项目 基于非充分发展模型的风致散体颗粒漂移研究" (负责人,结题,批准号:2013CFC103

[2] 湖北理工学院引进人才项目 "大跨度屋面雪荷载研究" (负责人,结题)

[3] 湖北省优秀中青年创新团队计划项目 环境岩土工程, 第二人,结题

[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目 "风雪作用下大跨度屋盖表面雪压分布模拟及结构风雪荷载效应研究" (第二人,结题 批准号51278638

[5] 国家自然科学基金青年项目 "风致大跨屋盖表面积雪的漂移堆积效应模拟方法" (第三人,结题, 批准号50608060

[6] 国家自然科学基金青年项目 "考虑气弹效应的大跨度柔性索网结构实用抗风设计方法" (第三人结题,批准号50908077

[7] 波鸿鲁尔大学交换生项目 "屋面雪荷载数值模拟" (负责人,结题)

[8] 参与完成国家自然科学基金创新研究群体科学基金(50621062

[9] 参与完成科技部国家重点实验室基础研究资助项目(SLDRCE08-A-03)

[10] 独立完成深圳机场 T3 航站楼表面风压系数及切向力的数值模拟

[11] 独立完成英国KTC项目“学校空气质量研究”数值模拟部分

[12] 参与完成人行桥在行人荷载作用下的动力响应 (RUB)

[13] 参与完成 2010 年世博会园区世博轴的风洞试验研究

[14] 参与完成北京奥运转播塔塔的风洞试验研究

[15] 参与完成上海静安区塔楼的风洞试验研究

[16] 参与完成深圳机场 T3 航站楼风洞试验研究

[17] 参与完成和谐塔风洞试验研究


[1] Keqin Yan, Yi Zhang, Tao Cheng, et al., Managing Information Uncertainty in Wave Height Modeling for the Offshore Structural Analysis through Random SetComplexity2017.08.(SCI检索,一区)

[2] Keqin Yan, Yi Zhang, Tao Cheng, A New Method in Measuring the Velocity Profile Surrounding a Fence Structure Considering Snow EffectsMeasurement1/32017.11SCI检索,一区)

[3] Yi Zhang, Keqin Yan*, Tao Cheng,Influence of Climate Change in Reliability Analysis of High Rise Building, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016.10SCI检索,三区)

[4] Yi Zhang, Keqin Yan*, Tao Cheng, Reliability Analysis of High Rise Building Considering Wind Load UncertaintyCivil Engineering Journal20183.ESCI检索)

[5] Keqin Yan, Yi Zhang, Tao Cheng,A New Erosion Model for Wind Induced Structural VibrationsShock and Vibration, 2018.9.SCI检索,二区)

[6] 晏克勤,雪面侵蚀系数及其概率分布研究湖北理工学院学报,独撰20182  

[5] Keqin Yan, Xuanyi Zhou, Ming Gu, Test Investigation of Velocity Distribution Considering Snow Particles Participating, Key Engineering Material, Vols. 439-440 (2010): 1343-1348.

[6] Keqin Yan, Xuanyi Zhou, Ming Gu, Outdoor Test of Wind-Drifted Snow Distribution around a Cube, Key Engineering, Material, Vols. 439-440 (2010): 1349-1354

[7] KeqinYan, X.Y.Zhou, M.GuM. Kaspershki, wind-induced snow load simulation on gable roof, The fifth international symposium on computational wind engineering (CWE2010)May23-27, North Carolina

[8] Xunyi ZhouKeiqn YanMing GuWind load study on certain terminal, Vibration and Shock2010, 29(8): 224-227

[9] Keqin Yan; Tao Cheng, Numerical Simulation of Flow Interference between Two Cylinders in Side by Side Arrangement in the Case of Low Reynolds Number, 1st International Conference on Modelling and Simulation Nanjing, PEOPLES R CHINA, AUG 04-07, 2008.

[10] Keqin Yan; Tao Cheng, Close shot photogrammetry for measuring wind-drifted snow distribution on stepped flat roofs, ISECS2008, V1: 332-335

[11] Tao Cheng, Keqin Yan, Design and application of structure mechanics CAI courseware, Proceedings of 2009 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Education, ICCSE 2009,P1349-1352

[12] Tao Cheng; Keqin Yan; Numerical simulation for influences of stress paths on earth's surface deformation Rock and Soil Mechanics ,2010.2

[13] Tao ChengKeqin Yan, Jingtao Wang, Study of numerical model for triaxial compression test on clay under different consolidation conditions. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2009, 30(11):3352-3356.

[14] Tao Cheng, and Keqin Yan, Modified Hyperbolic Model of High Compressibility Clay Considering Strain Strengthening Effects. Journal of Civil,Architectural & Environmental Engineering, 2009, 31( 5):49-53

[15] Tao ChengKeqin Yan,Dong B. C. Research of back analysis of geological examination based on ANN. Rock and Soil Mechanics , 2007, 284807-811

[16] Tao ChengKeqin Yan, Digital image processing technique for improvement in triaxial test and numerical modeling of geomaterial, ISECS2008,V1:327-331

[17] Tao Cheng, Keqin Yan, Wang J. T. Philosophical Essence of Systematically Numerical Method for Constitutive Model of Rock and Soil.2007, 28(3):582-586

[18] Tao Cheng, Jingtao Wang, Keqin Yan, Digitalization modeling system for constitutive relation of geomaterial [J].Journal of China University of Mining and Technology. 2006, 16(3):338-343

[19] Keqin Yan, Tao Cheng, wind pressure study on a certain airport terminal, ISISS2009, Vol.2, P1560-1564

[20] Keqin Yan, Tao Cheng, sturcture damnification diagnose system by RBF, CSE2009, P805-813Springer

[21] Keqin Yan, Xuanyi Zhou, Ming GuNumerical simulation of wind induced snow distribution on gable roofThe eighth wind engineering and aerodynamics conference proceedingsAugust 2010Yinchuan, China.

[22] Tao Cheng, Keqin Yan, Uniform nonlinear constitutive model and parameters for clay in different consolidation conditions based on regression method, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, v2041,2014

[23] Tao Cheng, Keqin Yan, Numerical Simulation for the Thermal Stress of Composite Wall Insulation System, Advanced Materials Research, v 168-170, 1(1):875-9, 2011

[24] Tao Cheng, Keqin Yan, Application of finite element method of composite wall insulation system, Advanced Materials Research, v 594-597, p 2158-2161, 2012

[25] Tao ChengKeqin Yan, Comparative Analysis for Mechanical Properties of Different Industrial Residues – Lime Stabilized Soil. Journal of Building Materials [J].2011,14(2):212-216    



  1. 2020年湖北省科技进步奖三等奖多场耦合条件下混合岩(土)体变形破坏机理与工程防灾技术);

  2. 2019中国产学研合作创新成果奖场耦合条件下混合岩土体灾变及地下建筑物智能监测、分析与防灾技术);

  3. 优秀毕业设计指导老师,2021、2020、20192018

  4. 指导周培源力学竞赛优秀奖 2023、2021、2019



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